Translations for IT and Telco

We translate units and zeros into a language that everyone will understand.
Translata ilustrácia - počítač

Thorough and reliable translations with Translata

We have thousands of translators available, including experts in IT and telecommunications, who truly understand what they're translating.

Translata ikona - ozubené koleso

Professional technical materials

Certificates, software documentation, databases, websites, mobile applications, user interfaces, content management systems (CMS), help documentation, product manuals, and user guides.

Translata ikona - paragraf

Official documents

Tender documents and bids, patents, directives, licensing agreements, certificates, and permits.

Translata ikona - úradná pečiatka

Legal and business documents

Technical support, frequently asked questions (FAQs), product manuals, and legal documents.

Translata ikona - megafon

Marketing and e-commerce materials

Presentations, brochures, leaflets, catalogues, PR, digital marketing, and e-learning.

E-book: Translation Technologies - A Comprehensive Guide

We don't want you to get lost in translation or in the possibilities that technology gives us.

Get the necessary overview of translation technologies in the most comprehensive guide on the Slovak market.

Download for free

Leaders in IT and telecommunications translate with Translata

Logo asseco
Logo Softip
Logo oracle
Logo Solargis

„We work with texts that can be very technically demanding. Even I would have a problem translating some of these texts into my native Slovak. In the past, we've used the translation services of various small agencies and freelancers, but we weren't always happy with the quality of the results. It was easy to get disorganised with this form of cooperation, especially when we had a constant demand for new translations. In many cases, the resulting texts were simply inaccurate or inconsistent. We're now very satisfied with Translata. They've been able to provide us with a steady supply of translations in the desired quality and in whatever language we've needed so far. We've also been able to simplify work delegation and speed up deliveries as a result."

Peter Hanuštiak Marketing Manager, Solargis

Case study

Translata Portal

No more wasted time sending unnecessary e-mails. Now you can have everything at your fingertips in the client portal.

You don't have to manage any other subcontractors with us

We offer comprehensive project cycle management tailored to your needs

How we work